Kids and COVID-19
KidzNow understands the concern parents have regarding protecting their children from COVID, especially those too young to receive the vaccine. This is why we offer COVID-19 testing for kids in our pediatric urgent care facility in San Antonio.
It’s important to get children tested to find out if they have an active infection, especially if they participated in in-person activities. The earlier they get tested, the easier it will be to help manage any symptoms and prevent the spread of the virus.
As a pediatric COVID-19 testing center in San Antonio, we follow guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics.
As these guidelines are updated, we will update our practice behavior and post links to these new guidelines on our Resources page.
COVID-19 Vaccine
Per CDC guidelines, we now also offer COVID-19 vaccinations for children 12 years and older.
How old does my child need to be for a COVID-19 vaccine?
We offer COVID-19 vaccinations to patients no younger than 12 years old.
What tests are you offering?
I don’t have any insurance. Can my child still get tested?
Need More Information?
Visit the Resources page to access forms and read frequently asked questions.